Sunday, February 23, 2014

Before December 2012, my primary mode of correspondence with the outside world was, as is the case for most of us, via electronic means. That said, I admit that the bulk of my email is not personal. I get notifications from various blogs and sites I subscribe to, emails from professors, notifications of which of my bills are coming due (which I pay electronically), and so forth. As for regular, tangible mail, the only mailbox joy I got was a family newsletter written by my former father-in-law and a handful of birthday and Christmas cards.

In December 2012, I came across the Day Zero Project and quickly set about composing a list of 101 goals for myself, an endeavor that sounds much easier than it actually is. When I began browsing other people's lists for inspiration, I kept coming across goals that read: "Send X postcards through" I added a goal to my list to send 10 postcards to random strangers. It's been a bit over a year now and, as of today, I have sent 218 postcards and received 201. In March, I joined the forum associated with the Postcrossing site and, through various swaps and trades (referred to as "tags" and "Round Robins") I have sent and received several hundred more postcards. These days, I get at least one postcard every day that the mail is delivered.

My Postcrossing Profile
My Flikr Postcards

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